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In serving Indigenous communities and organizations, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities these groups face in the digital landscape. Our company is committed to providing IT solutions that respect cultural values, enhance community engagement, and support the self-determination and economic development of Indigenous peoples.

Our company specializes in delivering IT solutions tailored to Indigenous communities and organizations. We focus on creating infrastructures and communication solutions that enhance connectivity and support effective collaboration. Emphasizing data sovereignty, we ensure secure data management, allowing communities to maintain control and ownership of their data.

Our services include programs to build IT capacity and enhance digital literacy, fostering self-sufficiency. We prioritize sustainable and scalable IT solutions, adaptable to the evolving needs of these communities. Additionally, our technology aids in economic development, enhancing business operations and supporting community projects, thereby contributing to overall growth and progress.

Contact Us: If you’re looking for an IT partner who understands and respects the unique needs of These communities and organizations, contact us today. Let’s work together to create IT solutions that empower your communities.

Get in touch

We’ love to hear from you. Our friendly team is always here to chat.

Chat to us

Our friendly team is here to help.

[email protected]

Our Locations

Head Office:  150 Algonquin Blvd E., Unit Basement, Timmins, Ontario  P4N 1A7  

Muskoka, Iroquois Falls, Burlington

Hours & Phone #

Mon-Fri from 8am to 5pm.


How can we help you?

Subnet Systems Inc.

Providing end to end IT services from cybersecurity, software development to Managed IT Services to help create a strong IT infrastructure and help your organization grow.

Contact us

150 Algonquin Blvd E., Unit Basement, Timmins, Ontario 
P4N 1A7 


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